
MB-310 | Dynamics 365 Finance | Live Online Course

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5-day live online MB-310 exam prep course.

The delivery is per our Prepare-Participate-Practice (3P) methodology.

What you get

  • Welcome email to students
    • Link to Dashboard in AXcademy – one-stop for all information
      • Overview of courses
      • Links to live sessions
      • Prepare materials
      • Live recordings and presentations used
      • Practice exercises
  • Preparation materials
    • Videos, presentations, et al.
  • Participate
    • Live sessions – 5 days each with 2 x 3-hour live sessions
    • Recorded live sessions (accessible for 30 days after the course)
    • Presentations used
  • Practice materials
    • Hands-on exercises, deep dive documentation, et al.
  • Standard MB-310 VM (D365FO training environments/sandboxes with standard “Contoso” demo data) is provided by AXcademy for each student
    • access for 180 days.

Curriculum MB-310 Finance


  • Set up and configure financial management
  • Implement accounts receivable, credit, collections, and revenue recognition
  • Implement and manage accounts payable and expenses
  • Manage budgeting
  • Manage fixed assets.


Set up and configure financial management

Define and configure the chart of accounts

  • Describe use cases for financial dimensions
  • Define and configure the chart of accounts and main accounts
  • Describe use cases for main accounts categories, ledger account aliases, and balance control accounts
  • Configure financial dimensions and dimension sets
  • Configure legal entity overrides for financial dimensions and main accounts
  • Create and configure account structures and advanced rules
  • Configure financial tags
  • Configure derived dimensions and financial dimension default templates
  • Configure accounts for automatic transactions

Configure ledgers and currencies

  • Configure and manage fiscal calendars, years, and periods
  • Configure the ledger
  • Describe and configure batch transfer rules
  • Set up currencies and conversions for a legal entity
  • Configure currency exchange types and rates

Implement and manage journals

  • Describe options for implementing voucher numbers in journals
  • Configure journal names
  • Set up journal controls and posting restriction rules
  • Describe and configure journal workflow approvals
  • Create voucher templates
  • Describe use cases for periodic journals and deferrals
  • Configure and apply accrual schemes
  • Set up intercompany accounting
  • Create templates to edit journals in Microsoft Excel
  • Perform reversing entries

Implement and manage cash and bank

  • Create and maintain bank groups and bank accounts
  • Describe electronic payment formats
  • Configure and process bank reconciliations including advanced bank reconciliations
  • Configure the cash flow forecast setup
  • Configure the cash flow automation setup
  • Enable and configure summarized bank transactions for vendor and customer payments

Implement cost accounting and cost management

  • Describe cost accounting processes and terms
  • Describe and configure the costing sheet including indirect costs
  • Configure cost groups
  • Implement inventory costing versions
  • Differentiate between inventory costing methodologies
  • Configure item model groups
  • Configure item groups and inventory posting profiles
  • Perform inventory closing and adjustment processes
  • Configure cost categories
  • Set up inventory value reports

Perform periodic processes

  • Define and demonstrate periodic closing processes and end-of-year processes
  • Perform financial consolidation and elimination processes
  • Describe use cases and options for performing allocations
  • Implement foreign currency revaluation processes
  • Create and manage financial reports including modifying row, column, report definitions, and reporting tree

Configure, collect, and report taxes

  • Configure tax groups, tax codes, settlement periods, and jurisdiction
  • Configure tax ledger posting groups
  • Settle and post sales tax
  • Configure withholding tax groups, tax codes, and authorities

Implement accounts receivable, credit, collections, and revenue recognition

Implement and manage accounts receivable

  • Set up customers and customer groups
  • Configure and process free text invoices
  • Process sales order invoices and credit memos
  • Configure customer payment setup
  • Configure accounts receivable charges
  • Manage customer holds
  • Set up customer posting profiles
  • Process customer payments
  • Enable and configure customer change approvals
  • Perform foreign currency revaluation

Manage credit and collections

  • Configure credit management processes
  • Configure collections management processes
  • Manage delinquent customers
  • Prepare and send customer account statements
  • Manage customer credit limits and credit holds
  • Set up and process collection letters and interest notes
  • Configure aging definitions
  • Process aged balances

Configure revenue recognition

  • Configure journals and parameters for revenue recognition
  • Configure and implement revenue schedules
  • Enter and process revenue recognition transactions
  • Configure and use bundles

Implement and manage accounts payable and expenses

Implement and manage accounts payable

  • Configure invoice validation policies and invoice matching setup
  • Set up vendor groups, vendors and vendor posting profiles
  • Process purchase order invoices and credit memos
  • Configure vendor payments including payment terms, method of payments, and payment calendars
  • Configure accounts payable charges and apply changes to an invoice
  • Configure bank accounts and bank account approvals for vendors
  • Enable and configure vendor change approvals
  • Perform foreign currency revaluation
  • Configure vendor invoices and payment automation
  • Process the vendor invoice journal including voyage cost

Configure and use expense management

  • Configure expense management including categories, per diem options, mileage expenses, intercompany expenses, and personal expenses
  • Configure workflows for expense management
  • Describe use cases for expense management policies and the audit workbench
  • Describe and configure credit card processing
  • Create and manage expense reports
  • Configure and manage cash advance settings
  • Create and manage travel requisitions

Manage budgeting

Implement basic budgeting

  • Configure budgeting components including budget models, codes, allocation terms, and transfer rules
  • Create and configure budget register entries
  • Compare budgeted values with actual values
  • Implement budget register entry workflows

Configure and manage budget controls

  • Configure budget controls including budget parameters, budget fund availability options, budget control rules and groups, and over-budget permissions
  • Perform budget checks on documents and journals
  • Configure budget cycle time spans
  • Activate or deactivate budget control configurations

Configure and process budget plans

  • Define a budget planning process
  • Create or generate a budget plan
  • Configure budget planning by using scenarios, stages, allocation stages, stage allocations, and templates
  • Create a budget plan template
  • Configure and manage a budget planning workflow

Manage fixed assets

Implement and manage fixed assets

  • Create fixed asset groups and other fixes asset attributes
  • Configure fixed asset posting profiles
  • Configure fixed asset parameters
  • Describe the fixed asset lifecycle
  • Configure fixed asset books
  • Configure depreciation profiles
  • Create and manage fixed asset
  • Manage fixed asset groups and books mapping

Process fixed asset transactions

  • Process fixed asset disposal by using free text invoices
  • Process fixed asset acquisitions by using purchase orders, journals, and projects
  • Create fixed asset budgets and transfer the budgets to the budgeting module
  • Process fixed asset depreciation
  • Process fixed asset disposals and other transactions by using the fixed asset journal
  • Process fixed asset split, reclassification, and transfer

Implement asset leasing

  • Configure asset leasing
  • Manage asset leases
  • Analyze asset lease reports.