Training materials feedback

We appreciate suggestions for improvements

As you have probably found out, our training materials are not perfect (yet).

If you have any suggestions for improvements, being error corrections, additions, etc., please drop us a note here.

You can do this anonymously. We do appreciate any feedback.

However, if you do enter your contact details, you have the additional options

  • get a reply and/or
  • sign up for updates on any improvements and new versions of your training materials

Thank you for using our training materials!

Training materials feedback

  • If you have general input, that is not for any specific training material, please select the option "General"
  • Feedback

    Your feedback is important to us. Please tell us, where we did well - and where to improve.
  • 1 is "not satisfied at all", 9 is "completely satisfied".
  • Keep in touch etc.

  • Please note that if you didn't select any training material in the first field, we can't really be very precise here
  • Thank you for taking your time to help us!

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