MB-330 Supply Chain Management Exam preparation course

This exam preparation course MB-330: Microsoft Dynamics 365  Supply Chain Management is aimed at consultants working with MSD365FO preparing to sit the MB-330 Supply Chain Management test.

After completing this course you will have the knowledge, skills and confidence to pass the MB-330 Supply Chain Management test in preparation for achieving your Microsoft Dynamics 365 certification

  • To prepare you for the Microsoft Dynamics 365: Supply Chain Management (MB-330) exam, you will learn how to implement and use:

    • Inventory management
    • Supply chain processes
    • Warehouse management
    • Transportation management
  • Using a combination of theory and practical activities, all objectives of the exam are covered in depth so you'll be ready for any question on the exam.

  • To ensure your exam success, we even include the
    Microsoft Certified Official practice test for you – at no cost for you!
    Practice and practice again, until you are ready for the exam.

  • All objectives of the exam are covered in depth so you'll be ready for any question on the exam.

  • Our flexible virtual learning environment enables you to learn online in your own time, in your own place wherever you might be.
  • We show you how to get access to a complete working free-of-charge D365FO training environment/sandbox/VM – so you can work hands-on with our practices and follow our demonstrations.
  • We’re specialists in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations and AX; since we focus solely on these products, our training is comprehensive and kept up-to-date with the latest updates.
  • Our expert trainers have decades of experience both teaching and working with Microsoft Dynamics in the real world; they understand the challenges businesses face.
  • Because life and business is not just about passing exams, we’ll give you the knowledge and skills you can apply in real-life scenarios after you have finished the course.


Course content

Course Content

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study guide (start here)
0: Introduction
1: Implement product information management
2: Implement Inventory management
3: Implement and manage Supply Chain processes
4: Implement warehouse management and transportation management
5: Configure and manage quality control and quality management
6: Implement master planning
At Course Completion (END HERE)

Some of the content types used in this course

Explore the Video Lectures

Follow our instructors presenting the topic, navigating the system and clarify the various aspects in D365FO.

Practice Makes Perfect

Nothing teaches a topic better than problem solving. Our practices present a problem and encourage you to solve it hands-on in your D365FO – using your newly acquired skills. And rest assured, that the solution is at hand for you as well.


Test your knowledge

Plenty of questions scattered across the lessons

Keep your learning in memory

Use them constantly to keep your new-found learning in memory

Practice test

Summarizing it all - and scoring you, too!

Getting closer to do the real thing

Your chance of checking, if you are ready to move on to the real test


Try a free demo of the official practice test

Just like the real thing

This free practice test sampler is as close as it gets

Important FAQ

Yes, to cater for all learning styles, we offer a variety of content – including videos

As part of the course, we offer test-your-knowledge questions/quizzes.

To ensure your exam success, we even include the Microsoft Certified Official preparation test at no cost for you – a value of more than 100€! Practice and practice again, until you are ready for the exam. 

Of course, to do the practices hands-on, you need an environment.

So, as part of the course, we will tell you how to access a sandbox environment (VM) for free. 

We also offer a more flexible paid solution, available for 180 days!

On average, expect to spend 40-50 hours (this is the equivalent to a 4 days class with homework). If you do all the details – not necessary for the exam – it could be more…

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